
Cibersecurity blog. CTFs, writeups, electronics and more!

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Welcome to my blog!

Wow! You make it to this website. Thanks for coming in! This website is all about sharing this awesome path of discovery I’m in. I usually do some CTFs and HackTheBox stuff but I’m interested in radio and any other thing that has to deal with computers and electronics. This is an open space, so feel free to contact me in case there are any doubts of what I post here.

CTF Writeups

CTF (Capture The Flag) are competitions where we solve different cybersecurity tasks to find the secret (flag) at the end of the challenge. There are several categories depending on the type of the challenge, some of them are: Web, Forensic, OSINT (Open Source Intelligence), Cryptography, PWN (Binary Explotation), Reverse Engineering, RF (Radio Frequency), Hardware, etc.

I have special interest in OSINT, Web and Forensic challenges and I participate with team ISwearIGoogledIt looking for scoring as much points as possible while developing new skills in different cybersecurity areas.

You can find all my CTFs writeups (solutions and explanations) here:

Latest CTFs writeups:

Flipper Zero

I backed FlipperZero from the early stage of the kickstarter and I enjoy it very much. It is nowadays my favorite tool for pentesting and I have developed some addons to use external modules such as NRF24 and CC1101. Also, I developed the VoyagerRF board, a multipurpose WiFi auditing board to take all your tools everywhere. Find out more in the following post:

The Real Blog

Yet Another CyberSecurity Blog, with tutorials and curious things I find along the way.

Last entries:

Building a pentest dropbox for fun and (no) profit

10 min read - 05/04/2024

An easy and automated dropbox for remote pentesting assessments using OpenVPN and Kali Linux. We will configure the complete setup using RDP and SSH as connection protocols.

HackTheBox Walkthroughs

Here you will find some walkthoughs of virtual machines, at the moment I’m only at HackTheBox:

Latest walkthroughs:


I have been working on cyber intelligence for over two years. My research focused on phishing and fraud detection using machine learning. To read more about this topic:


During this journey, I got some awards, badges and certifications:


Useful tools