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An upgraded version of the VoyagerRF (ESP32 WiFi Devboard for Flipper Zero) with GPS.

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The VoyagerRFv1 was a great project, I really enjoyed exploring and learning along with the Marauder firmware developed by justcallmekoko. It’s been almost a year since the first version came out and some awesome updates were developed in the firmware: evilportal, GPS Module for Wardriving, Bluetooth tools, etc. The VoyagerRFv1 was a great base to support some of those, first, the evilportal was working with the MicroSD card slot and second, the Bluetooth tools were supported since the Xiao ESP32-C3 has BLE.

I was thinking about getting some upgrades, mainly with a better form factor, a GPS module and the famous NeoPixel LED for the status. And that’s how VoyagerRFv2 was born: harder, better, faster, stronger.

Let’s recap the new features of this v2 version:

Inherited features from previous VoyagerRFv1:

Remember that the VoyagerRFv2 could be also updated via the Web Flasher following the steps in the website. Also, you can change from Marauder to Ghost_ESP easily.

I have units in stock. If you are interested in getting the board and other accessories, you can contact me. Check out the last section to see bundles and prices.

Here you have more photos with some of the other accessories (CC1101 and nRF24):


Back with translucent case:

With nRF24 connected:

With CC1101 connected:

Bundles and Boards

If you are interested in getting the board and other accessories cheaper, you can contact me on my email kashmir_54@hotmail.com and I will get back to you!

VoyagerRFv2 Complete Pack / 80€

Available in black or white. Antennas can be black or white, as you prefer.


VoyagerRFv2 / 55€

Available in black or white. The antenna can be black or white, as you prefer.


Extra front, back case and base / +7€

Available in black, white, lime green, light orange (PLA+) or translucent (PETG). The front case in solid colors has a small window to dim NeoPixel’s light, the translucent doesn’t have the window for better look. Also, it has two sticks that allows the user to press the Boot and Reset buttons on the ESP32C3 chip. The base comes with a foam to insert the pins and keep the board tight to the base. The screws are included with the VoyagerRF v2 and can be use with only the back case or with both.


3D case files

You can download the STL for the cases and the base here:

Part File
Front v2_Front_Case.stl
Back v2_Back_Case.stl
Tight Base v2_TightBase.stl

To mount it you will need:


You can use the tutorials for the VoyagerRFv1! Still, I will post here how to update the board with the web flasher.

DISCLAIMER: These tutorials and information are solely for educational purposes and not an intended use of the device. They provide a hands-on experience in the field of cybersecurity and penetration testing. Any illegal use is strictly prohibited. Test on your own environment and with your own gear.

Wardriving with Marauder

For wardriving, the best workflow is to be on outdoors with a clear view of the sky, and enter the ESP32 WiFi Marauder app. The GPS needs time to pick up satellites and it takes some time to pick them up. Time depends on the atmosphere, the staellite constelation and other factors, from experience it takes from 30 seconds up to 2 minutes with clear sky outdoors. Within buildings, you will find issues due to the bouncing pulses.

Warning: Exiting the app will stop the GPS boot secuence. Keep the app working to complete the secuence.

Keep the flipper with the screen facing the floor so the GPS antenna points to the sky. Once it gets enought satellites, the red led behind the board will slowly flash, indicating that the GPS module is ready to use. Then you can hold the flipper as you want, the localtion will work even if the antena is not facing the sky.

You can check it in the GPS: stream option in Marauder menu:


GPS is afected by weather, buildings, etc. Best option to pick up satellites is to keep the flipper horizontally so the GPS antena aims to the sky. Stay outdoors and wait for the module to pick satellites.

Make sure you have the board fully connected into the flipper. Go to the menu and enter the Marauder app again.

Make sure you have enough battery in the Flipper.

Hit the reset button (the one in the bottom of the board).

Make sure to use 32GB or less MicroSD card, FAT32 file format and avoid using SanDisk brand (awkward, but the brand counts).

Connect the SD card before entering the ESP32 WiFi Marauder app.

Thank you for reading and for your interest in the board. I hope you enjoyed this project as much as I did!