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VoyagerRF Pro

A new version of the VoyagerRF (ESP32 WiFi/BLE Devboard for Flipper Zero) with GPS, MicroSD Card socket and 2G4M27SX chip (nRF24).

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During the developement of the VoyagerRFv1 and VoyagerRFv2 I focused on flexibility, so I can use nRF24 or CC1101 whenever I needed. Using more and more the Flipper, I realized that I used much more the nRF24 instead of the CC1101 because of the jobs I do, so I wanted to upgrade that nRF24 part and let go the CC1101. That’s why I developed the VoyagerRF Pro, a board focused on the 2.4GHz, WiFi, BLE 5.0 and propietary protocols with an upgraded nRF24 module, the E01-2G4M27SX chip. The board is compatible with all firmwares: Unleashed, Momentum, Roguemaster, Official, etc.

Main features of this VoyagerRF Pro version:

Remember that the VoyagerRF Pro can be easily updated via the Web Flasher following the steps in the website. Also, you can change from Marauder to Ghost_ESP easily.

I have units in stock. If you are interested in getting the board and other accessories, you can contact me. Check out the bundles and boards section to see bundles and prices.

Here you have more photos, I liked the orange and green colors on them, but I also print the cases in black and white:


Back with translucent case:

Bundles and Boards

If you are interested in getting the board and other accessories, you can contact me on my email kashmir_54@hotmail.com and I will get back to you!

VoyagerRF Pro / 70€

PCB available in black or white and 3D pieces in black, white, translucent, lime green and light orange. Antennas can be black or white, as you prefer.


There you have both colors to compare (in the photo the front frame has been removed):

For example, a VoyagerRF Pro White with translucent cases will contain:

Mini 3dBi 2.4GHz antennas / +10€

If you want your rig to be smaller, you can add these 3dBi mini antennas (2.5 cm / 1 inch). Performance is as great as almost as great as the larger ones.


Extra covers / +7€

If you can’t decide the cover colors and you don’t have a 3D printer, you can add an extra 3D covers colors. You can also get the STL and print them if you have 3D printer!


3D case files

You can download the STL for the cases and the base here:

Part File
Back Pro_Back.stl
Base Pro_Base.stl

To mount it you will need:


You can use the tutorials for the VoyagerRFv1/v2! Still, I will post here how to update the board with the web flasher.

DISCLAIMER: These tutorials and information are solely for educational purposes and not an intended use of the device. They provide a hands-on experience in the field of cybersecurity and penetration testing. Any illegal use is strictly prohibited. Test on your own environment and with your own gear.


GPS is afected by weather, buildings, etc. Best option to pick up satellites is to keep the flipper horizontally so the GPS antena aims to the sky. Stay outdoors and wait for the module to pick satellites.

Make sure you have the board fully connected into the flipper. Go to the menu and enter the Marauder app again.

Make sure you have enough battery in the Flipper.

Hit the reset button (the one in the bottom of the board).

Make sure to use 32GB or less MicroSD card, FAT32 file format and avoid using SanDisk brand (awkward, but the brand counts).

Connect the SD card before entering the ESP32 WiFi Marauder app.

Thank you for reading and for your interest in the board. I hope you enjoyed this project as much as I did!