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I participate in this CTF for my team ISwearIGoogledIt and got some challenges:

Let’s get into it!


EAsy WEb


Go on, step by step, And you have the flag!!


Flag Format HACSEC{…}

By visiting the website we can check a login form. If we submit it empty it shows a hint:


It seems like a JSON web token (JWT). Let’s decode it:


Entering that username and password we get:

here's your next hint -> syntsvyr

Having some fun ideas I came across ROT13:

syntsvyr -> ROT13 -> flagfile

Ok… Visiting https://murmuring-caverns-26740.herokuapp.com/flagfile it shows a text. I search for the start of the flag (HACSEC) and find it in the same color as the background:

flag: HACSEC{Y0u_g0T_I7}

Robo Returns


A spy of China has been arrested from India yesterday.. While he was taking to the jail he some how ran away.. We have his photo but his name is not being known by any of the person.. From our sources, we have come to know that the name of the person is in this webpage… You are a CBI agent and you have to find the name..


Flag Format HACSEC{…}

We have an Amazon like website…?

I found a comment with this but it’s not base64…

whfh-HprSE8wvsRZA+A+hbz3z8vR9ETHCpoTm+R4ZOgm0O3/LwVwzHD25/A== rid-Q6GBNFEGMMP73XFA9PCP

Stucked…. Robo like robots.txt?

User-agent: *
Disallow: */s?k=*&rh=n*p_*p_*p_
Disallow: /dp/product-availability/
Disallow: /dp/rate-this-item/
Disallow: /exec/obidos/account-access-login
User-agent: AmazonAdBot

We can check out the name johnwick

flag: HACSEC{johnwick}

D4m4ged C4lc


This calculator does more than javascript operation Check out for errors


Flag Format HACSEC{…}

document.cookie = "username=dev";
function myfunc() {
	var a = document.getElementById('first').value;
	var b = document.getElementById('second').value;

	document.getElementById('plus').addEventListener("click", function() {
		var c = a+b;
		document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = c;
		let data = {
			value: c
			.done(function(result) {

	document.getElementById('minus').addEventListener("click", function() {
		var c = a-b;
		document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = c;
		let data = {
			value: c
			.done(function(result) {

	document.getElementById('multiply').addEventListener("click", function() {
		var c = a*b;
		document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = c;
		let data = {
			value: c
			.done(function(result) {

	document.getElementById('divide').addEventListener("click", function() {
		var c = a/b;
		document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = c;
		let data = {
			value: c
			.done(function(result) {

I didn’t get anything in a certain time, so I skipped, I will come back to it.




What is the port used by IPPS ?

Flag Format HACSEC{portnumber}

flag: HACSEC{631}




Very Easy …..Basic skills and you got it.

Flag Format HACSEC{string}

We had a zip file, I used these commands:

kali@kali:~/Desktop/CTFs/HACON_CTF/Misc/misc2$ binwalk -e zippppp.zip

kali@kali:~/Desktop/CTFs/HACON_CTF/Misc/misc2/_zippppp.zip.extracted/zippppp$ grep '' *
flag324:HACSEC{BetterLuck next time}
flag430:HACSEC{Youare too noob}
flag733:Hacon{notyour flag}
flag907:HACSEC{Flag is not here}

flag: HACSEC{z1ppppitnice}



Zips and Your skills , easy enough ….huh!

Flag Format HACSEC{string}


$ binwalk -e zipv2.zip 
$ strings zipv2.zip > text.txt
$ grep 'HACSEC' text.txt

$ grep 'HACSEC' text.txt 

flag: HACSEC{Z1ppv2}


Sn0w M4N


Who doesnt love to build a snow man during winter.

Flag Format HACSEC{strings} Note Words are separated by underscore()

We can find out some whitespace stego on the txt file:

We can use a tool called stegsnow:

$ stegsnow -C chall.txt

flag: HACSEC{s7eg_5n0W_F7W}



Whats that noise, does it sound familiar?

Flag Format HACSEC{string} Note Words separated by underscore()

It’s a wav audio, so we will use a tool called morse2ascii:

morse2ascii -m audio.wav 

Now we can introduce it into the CyberChef website and get the flag:

Check the hint to get it right with the underscores: 1st 2 words are a single word ;P




Wizard has the magical powers to bring people from the dead. They use a very special spell, figure it out.

Flag Format HACSEC{strings} Note Words are separated by underscore()

First we can see a png file that cannot be read. We can see that there is something going on with the magic numbers:

$ file wizard.png 
wizard.png: data

$ xxd wizard.png | head
00000000: 00aa 4e47 0d0a 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452  ..NG........IHDR
00000010: 0000 0780 0000 0438 0802 0000 0067 b156  .......8.....g.V
00000020: 1400 0000 0970 4859 7300 000e c400 000e  .....pHYs.......
00000030: c401 952b 0e1b 0000 2000 4944 4154 78da  ...+.... .IDATx.
00000040: ecbd d9af 24c9 95e6 7716 3377 8ff5 2e79  ....$...w.3w...y

Lets fix it, use the expected magic bytes for the PNG file: 80 50 4e 47

hexedit wizard.png

And now check the flag in the image:

flag: HACSEC{w1Z4rD_u53_M4giC_byT3S}


We got an image:

Let’s analyze it with binwalk:

kali@kali:HACON_CTF/Forensic/the_matrix$ binwalk -e the_matrix.png 

kali@kali:HACON_CTF/Forensic/the_matrix/_the_matrix.png.extracted$ ls
4F8CBA.zip  83  83.zlib  D3D4F.zip  world.zip

We can see a zip called world.zip, seems to be locked with a password, let’s crack it with a wordlist:

kali@kali:HACON_CTF/Forensic/the_matrix/_the_matrix.png.extracted$ fcrackzip -u -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt world.zip 

PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == steven

kali@kali:HACON_CTF/Forensic/the_matrix/_the_matrix.png.extracted$ unzip world.zip 
Archive:  world.zip
[world.zip] captured_message.pcapng password: 
  inflating: captured_message.pcapng  
  inflating: take_me.cpython-37.pyc 

A pcap file showed up, let’s take a look on Wireshark:

An HTTP POST is sent and we can see this data:

"I think you know what to do with this Neo ->LedbRKTnteMyLeNnAYzdueMfuqT5t3NqAYRkQOuyKWXVw3covOXqRPJgROFgEZFdtbTmRP0(hml wimsd kayf afklwsv gx tjsucwlk sfv lzak lwpl, sfv lzwf vg kgewlzafy oalz al)"

The last part seems like rot. Not 13 but I check other values until reaching 34:

TmljZSBvbmUgTmVvIGhlcmUncyB5b3VyIGZsYWcgSEFDe3kwdWFyZXRoZWNoMHNlbjBuZX0(put equal sign instead of brackets and this text, and then do something with it)

Let’s go what it says, but an equal could be some base64. Before putting the equal I could see the message and the flag:

flag: HAC{y0uarethech0sen0ne}

Thanks for reading!!